Access the Healing Power Within through your Five Subtle Bodies


Access the Healing Power Within through your Five Subtle Bodies


4-Class Meditation Series, Live and Online, Tuesday’s 6-7:30 pm PST

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Increase your radiance, vitality, and well-being with the feminine-based wisdom of Ayurveda and Meditation. You are invited to a meditative journey through your subtle bodies and deepen your self-knowledge by exploring your multifaceted being through this series of 4 weekly Online classes.  Based on the benefits of applying Ayurvedic wisdoms and Meditation in your life, these 4 classes are offered to create a weekly, intentional oasis to “deep-dive” into more relaxation and inspiration in your life.  Join Carola Höchst—Meditation Teacher & Women’s spiritual empowerment guide and Corinna Maharani, Ayurveda expert on this exciting journey through your Koshas.